At the unit of structures, we work a lot in collaboration at and with the Hultgren Laboratory of KTH for analysing and characterizing our investigated microstructures. This allows us to compare and validate our theoretical and modelling predictions but also to get insights in the microstructure development.
Visit their webpage here to know the available techniques.
Bainite microstructure
In addition, we also perform Atom Probe Tomography analysis with our partners.
Atom Probe Tomography (APT)
Atom probe tomography (APT) is a unique characterization method, sprung from the field ion microscope (FIM) with the addition of a mass spectrometer. Today, APT is the only characterization method that allows for 3D atom mapping with sub-nanometer (~0.1 nm) spatial resolution and outstanding chemical detection sensitivity (~ 5 ppm). This 3D composition mapping provides new additional information about a variety of materials systems such as metals, semiconductors, and insulators, as well as their nanostructures, phase interphases, precipitates, grain boundaries, clusters, and chemical decoration of defects. An example of an APT atom map is shown on the side. The technique has over the last 15 years, since the introduction of the local electrode atom probe (LEAP ® CAMECA), been pivotal in materials science, physics, and chemistry. The modern LEAP® systems are equipped with laser-assisted field evaporation which has increased sample yield and broaden the scope of its applications.
Contact: Alexander Dahlström