Key Research areas
We all work together within our unit, so that we get the greatest possible amount of collaboration and cooperation. We do not divide ourselves into research groups, but our work naturally falls within areas. These themes are outlined below, and each dedicated page lists the academic(s) who spend most of their time within those areas, but we all get involved in every area to some extent.

- Casting
Ingot casting
Continuous casting

Circular economy of metals
Critical materials
Recycling of slag
Energy consumption
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

- Clean steel
Reaction thermodynamics
Reaction kinetics
Transport phenomena
Electrolytic extraction of inclusions

- Computational fluid dynamics
New ingot casting procedures
Up-scaling of plasma reduction of oxides
Reactions in the Argon Oxygen Decarburisation (AOD) furnace
Behaviour of gas bubbles
Validate using water

- Energy and furnace technology
Renewable electricity and fuels
New fuels and fuel replacement
Treatment of electrical and vehicle waste

- High-temperature experimental kinetics
Focus on metallurgical processes
Specialised equipment
Industrial collaboration

Hybrit Process (fossil-free steelmaking)
Hydrogen-based iron making
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

- Powder metallurgy
Powder flow and spreading behaviour
Powder production
Microstructre and chemistries of powder particles