Unit of Properties
The research at the Unit of Properties is focused on the relation between materials structure and mechanical, technological, and magnetic properties of engineering and functional materials. Our research includes theoretical, numerical and experimental methodologies from the atomistic scale to the macroscopic scale, which we apply to both fundamental and applied research challenges. The work is often conducted in collaboration with our extensive national and international network in academia as well as in industry.
Key research areas and groups
Some of the key research areas in the Unit at present are: ab initio methods for alloys, computationally driven materials design, structure-mechanical property relations for engineering materials, structure-magnetic property relations for functional materials, in-situ characterization of materials phenomena, and, micromechanics. The Unit is organized in five different research groups, which collaborate intensively:
- Advanced Materials Characterization
- The group focuses on the development and application of materials characterization tools such as microscopy, diffraction and scattering to investigate materials structure and correlate with properties.
- Applied Material Physics
- Materials Technology
- Measurements of Properties
- Mechanical Metallurgy