New professorship strengthens research in metallurgical processes

Mikael Ersson is the new professor in the emerging field of "Modeling of Metallurgical Processes." In this role, he looks forward to contributing to the green transition of the Swedish steel industry and increasing young people's interest in materials science.
The research field ”Modeling of Metallurgical Processes” is a new addition at KTH. It was established when Mikael Ersson was first hired as an assistant professor. Now, as he continues into a professorship, it becomes the first of its kind within the Department of Materials Science.
Hello Mikael Ersson, will your role change a lot now?
I don’t think my role will change significantly, as the transition to professor happens gradually over time. However, there will certainly be greater opportunities to influence and drive key issues for KTH and our department.
What are you most looking forward to as a professor?
I really enjoy solving problems, regardless of their nature. A significant part of the job involves interacting with young, talented individuals who want to improve society. I also look forward to contributing to the green transition in the Swedish steel industry. New process routes and manufacturing methods, where smart energy use is central, combined with intense international competition, make this a highly exciting field!
Regarding the green transition, what is the focus of your research group?
For many years, we have worked on process improvements related to quality and energy efficiency. This will continue to be crucial in achieving the transition that is now taking place. I want to keep working closely with industry to address both traditional and emerging challenges related to this transformation.
You have been responsible for developing education and leading the Materials Design program. Your dedication as an educator is well known. What motivates you?
Education is incredibly important for creating a continuous chain of expertise across all levels—from undergraduate and master’s students to PhD candidates. This is especially true in process metallurgy, a research field that is relatively small on the global scale. I believe the future workforce for both the industry and our department depends on how successfully we manage the educational chain at all levels.
What are the biggest challenges in developing materials science as a research and educational field?
I have been actively involved in finding ways to increase young people's interest in our field. One of the challenges we face is that metallurgy and materials science are largely unknown subjects to most high school students. As a result, it’s difficult to spark interest early on. At the same time, students who complete our program give us top ratings in areas such as ”I find my education useful in my daily work.” We also have the highest employment rate of all professions (Svenskt näringsliv 2024). Therefore, the challenge is to communicate these positive aspects broadly across society
How do you think this can be solved?
I believe the industry needs to come together and showcase itself early on, ensuring that we all move in the same direction nationwide.
Text: Alexandra von Kern