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Chuan Wang at Swerim becomes Adjunct Professor

Chuan Wang joins KTH as an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Materials Science an Engineering.
Published Sep 12, 2022

From September 2022 Chuan Wang, research manager for recycling and the environment at Swerim, will be an Adjunct Professor in the Unit of Processes at KTH Materials Science and Engineering for three years.

Chuan Wang received his doctorate at Luleå University of Technology in 2007 and his specialty as a researcher is to upgrade and valorize residual material to replace virgin material and thereby save natural resources.

"With his long experience and unique knowledge in resource efficiency, he will contribute to a very important and growing part within the metallurgical area", says Unit Head Björn Glaser .

Now Wang says he is honoured to be at KTH as an adjunct professor and looks forward to being part of a research group to be able to inspire and encourage young students to research and get a doctorate in a subject he is passionate about.

"It is about taking advantage of the interest of today's students and introducing the subject so that together we become even better at recycling materials in a resource-efficient way", says Chuan Wang.

Belongs to: Materials Science and Engineering
Last changed: Sep 12, 2022